Dry Seeds, dried powders

If you search online, you’ll be able to find sellers for freeze dryer machines small enough to fit in a kitchen. If you’re willing to spend a few thousand on one, it’s fun to see what happens to common, everyday food when you leave it in a freeze dryer for several hours. Usually with candy,…

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Magnets on magnets

Have you heard the story of 42.zip? It’s supposedly a compressed zip file that is only around 42 kB, but when fully uncompressed yields around 4500 TB of data. It’s an old file and there are many newer files which exceed even this limit. Yet even this is small on the scale of the internet….

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Oxygen-Infused Sewage Stew: Fuelling Tomorrow’s Energy

Sludge in wastewater treatment is the thick, semi-solid byproduct that settles out from the treated wastewater. This sludge can be broken down by bacteria in a process called anaerobic digestion, producing biogas that can be used as fuel to power the wastewater treatment plant. However, anaerobic digestion of sludge is challenging because the sludge is…

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An Erudite Scholar is Recognized

An erudite scholar, Professor Mohammed Farid was recently awarded the prestigious President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) for Distinguished Scientist by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering rejoices with you on the occasion of this well-deserved honor. We are very proud of Mohammed, and his achievement elevates the reputation…

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Potential Chemical & Materials Engineers Tour Chemmat Labs

Chemical & Materials Engineering Department hosts Tamaki College Secondary School Chemmat hosted a group of 30 high school students (Year 11 and 12) and teachers from Tamaki College Secondary School on the 18th of October.  The half day event started by giving the students a flavour of our MDLS teaching laboratory.  This was followed by…

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Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Don Visits Chemat/UoA

Professor Krist visited the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering to widen out, and of course, he was not disappointed. From left to right: Prof Ashvin Thambyah, Prof Krist Gernaey, Dr Isuru Udugama, and Prof Brent Young.  Krist is an avid coffee consumer and has on numerous occasions commented on “how great the coffee is…

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  Chemical Engineering Conference (CHEMECA 2023), 1–3 October Chemmat in collaboration with IChemE (Institute of Chemical Engineering) hosted CHEMECA 2023 at the Hilton, Auckland. The conference theme was “Leading the Transition into a Sustainable Future” and the conference attracted more than 200 delegates from across Australia and New Zealand. Contributing towards the sustainable theme, BECA…

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