Photo: CHEMMAT’s Associate Professor Saeid Baroutian
“Materials World” April 2022
Turning non-recyclable personal protective equipment into water and vinegar could be the game-changing solution the world needs to stop tonnes of PPE being dumped daily into landfills and oceans.
This miracle-sounding process has been developed at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering.
CHEMMAT’s Dr Saeid Baroutian was interviewed on RNZ by Jesse Mulligan about turning PPE into water and vinegar, which you can listen to here.
Saeid’s PPE work continues to attract interest from the NZ magazine “MindFood,” which you can read as a pdf here, and on the website of the World Textile Information Network (WTiN) which is a global information service for the textile industry based in the UK.
In addition, Saeid was recently interviewed by GovInsider, an information website which focuses on innovation and change making in government. It is based in Singapore and has a global audience of four million civil servants. The interview hasn’t been published yet but we’ll post the link as soon as it is.
“The Conversation” 31 May 2022
Stinky seaweed is clogging Caribbean beaches – but a New Zealand solution could turn it into green power and fertiliser
Dr Saeid Baroutian and his former PhD student Terrell Thompson have a piece about how to turn seaweed into fertiliser published in “The Conversation,” with the help of Karen Kawawada from UniServices.
“The Chemical Engineer” 31 March 2022
In a feature article in The Chemical Engineer three IChemE members, including CHEMMAT’s Professor Brent Young, explain why digital literacy is so important.
“INDUSTRY 4.0 has brought changes in hardware and software in the workplace, all aiming to increase productivity and operational efficiencies. We need to raise awareness amongst the chemical engineering community of the importance of digital literacy for chemical engineers. We’ll look here at the range of digitalisation skills and technologies relevant to chemical engineering, and give an overview of some of the education options and the work that is already under way.”
“New Zealand Wine Grower” August/September, 2022 – Dr Shan Yi
CHEMMAT’s grape marc project is highlighted in the New Zealand Winegrower magazine.

“Nature Foods” January 2022
Some exciting news from CHEMMAT’s Dr Laura Domigan and Dr Vaughan Feisst. They just had a commentary on “Recipes for Cultured Meat” published in Nature Foods.
In addition, Laura was one of the organisers of a symposium on how New Zealand can chart a path to cultured meat and seafood.
“NBR” 24 February 2022 – Dr Laura Domigan
‘World won’t wait’ for NZ to chart its cultured meat, seafood path”
“NZ Listener” 2 April, 2022
Dr Laura Domigan is featured in an article in the “NZ Listener,” along Dr Olivia Ogilvie, Research Fellow from the University of Canterbury (who completed her PhD at the University of Auckland).
Credit: NZ Listener

“Viva” Saturday, 19 March 2022
The hairstylist turned Chemical Engineer creating a next-generation beauty brand
Photo: Adelle Rodda
Dr Laura Domigan’s student Adelle Rodda was recently featured in Viva about her business, Botaniq.