Photo: CHEMMAT’s Dr Jenny Malmstrom with her research group. Jenny is seated, 3rd from the left

2021 Endeavour fund successful proposals

We are delighted to announce that two of our colleagues in the department, Dr Jenny Malmstrom and Prof Brent Young, have been successful in this year’s round. We extend our heartiest congratulations to them.

547 applications for research funding in the 2021 round of the Endeavour Fund were received and 69 were approved for funding.

Dr Jenny Malmstrom

Senior Lecturer, Dr Jenny Malmstrom’s project is titled “Harnessing the magic of biological materials to make biodegradable electronic devices.”

Prof Brent Young

Professor Brent Young’s project, a collaboration between the University of Auckland and the University of Canterbury, is titled “A new electromagnetic imaging method for advanced food process optimization.”

Further info


Catalyst: Seeding grant success

Congratulations to CHEMMAT’s Dr Sherry Xu and Associate Professor Peng Cao (Associate Investigator) for their recent success in securing funding for a new grant from the Royal Society Te Apārangi Catalyst: Seeding programme. This project is in association with Associate Professor Neeraj Sharma (UNSW) and Dr John Kennedy (GNS) who are both Co-Principal Investigators.

This project proposes developing an affordable, safe, and an environmentally benign battery system using nanostructured materials and investigating the fundamental chemistry of the battery system with Associated Professor Neeraj Sharma from the UNSW and Dr John Kennedy from GNS.

New Zealand, like many other countries in the world, is facing two significant energy challenges: reducing the greenhouse gases caused by the production and consumption of energy; and transitioning to a more affordable, sustainable energy future.

Building better battery storage technologies is vital, and the battery materials’ sustainability has been considered a critical component of the whole sustainable energy system.

Photo:  Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction (Australia)

Photo: Solid-state NMR spectroscopy (at UNSW)

Photo: A beamline at the Australian Synchrotron

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