MBIE funding update – Prof Mohammed Farid

    Chemmat’s Professor Mohammed Farid has three MBIE-funded projects. Listed below, the first two have already been contracted, and the third one should be contracted very soon.   Title: Quality and safety assurance for high value cold-smoked or eaten raw salmon products using HPP alone or in a hurdle combination Total funding $80,000 for…

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Key Auckland leadership in IChemE’s learned society digitalisation priority topic

https://ichemeblog.org/2020/07/28/climate-change-hazards-and-digitalisation/#more-12210 Digitalisation is one of the three priority topics for IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers UK) learned society. IChemE needs to understand how the development of digital technologies will change the profession, and use members’ expertise and that of fellow professional engineering institutions to support IChemE members in all stages of their careers with relevant…

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New biosector careers profiles launched

A new collection of chemical engineering career profiles has been launched by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) to inspire the next generation into a prosperous career in the bioeconomy. Showcasing how chemical engineers in this emerging sector are helping to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing society, the careers profiles illustrate the relevance…

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Chemmat Careers Evening

Chemmat’s Careers Evening was held on the evening of Thursday, 30 July at the Sir Owen Glenn building where past Chemmat graduates shared their rich experiences from their own journeys in their respective fields and presented on their career development after life as a student. The event was a success with nearly 90 students attending…

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Prof Brent Young – “My graduation story”

1985 BE student   My graduation story.  A career that began with graduation during a recession.  Brent Young I graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in the mid 1980’s from University, after years of depression, recession, and extremely high (double digit) levels of unemployment and a high interest rates in New Zealand and overseas.  Our…

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Steve Strover

With sadness we received the news on 9 April 2020 that a long-serving technician in our department, Steve Strover, passed away following a prolonged illness.  Steve began his career with our department way back in 1986, bringing his skills in metallography, microscopy and photography to our materials engineering teaching and research. In his job, he…

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